
"Lord, I give my life to You again today. Do with me whatever You will. I pray that You will use me to minister to Your people. Help me to bring honor to Your name as well as to grant me a humble heart."

June 20

Acts 15:16 "After this I will return and rebuild David's fallen tent. Its ruins I will rebuild and I will restore it."

Worship when you enter the sanctuary. ENJOY it when you're here.

Ask yourself: would God be pleased with the way I honor Him?

Remember, the Ark of the Covenant had two cherubs, with a mercy seat in the center with the blue flame of God. When people come to your church, do they see a hollow building, or do they see the blue flame of God in the center?

Are we focusing on 'doing' church, instead of God? Are we just checking off a list of things to do when we're here? Are we listening for God to speak to us? Quit waiting on 'good church services' and come to meet God face to face!

Matt. 16:19 says: "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven..."

When you let God into your heart, there is a price to pay. Will you let Him in? Or will you wait till later? What if later is too late? What if God quits knocking? Some people wait because they don't want to have an accounting.

Your tears turn on the faucet of God's compassion.

Jesus' visitation did not turn into a habitation.

I'm going to lose my dignity and go after His deity. Leave protocol behind. Give up ALL - for Him. Can you? Will you? Will you DO it?

Would you recognize Jesus if He came by?

God prefers spiritual hunger over spiritual ritual..